All those Sweet Nothings .
It's like learning how not to slap her.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm moving on, my blog will be deleted in 3 days.

Bye kiddos.

Umm, was late for band for 30minutes cause i had to rush back home to take my instrument. I FORGOT LOL! Ran (almost) to band room, passed out on the floor for 2seconds, then faster go to my seat. Ughh. Thank god weixiang wasn't there. *sighs in relieve* after that, practiced the new piece "lord of the dance" (harder version). I was like, 'what the fudge, it's so hard can.' All the tonguing left me ... tongue tied? x.x Somemore, i'm trying to cope with the beats. Pratically took my life. x.x Went MacDonalds after that to eat with Dinie, Queenie, Onisha, and Danna. They're so cute can. Threw ice cubes at each other. Then one icecube went into _____'s ___. SICK! Hahah :D Went Jean to refund and walked with Dinie to the bus-stop, then bused home. Baahahaha. There's PE Project tomorrow. And i have sectionals after that. x.x Run here, run there, wtheck!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sheesh I can't ACCESS MY HOTMAIL! *%#$u**$%*$^ Whut, tomorrow's there's sectionals? WHY! =.= I was planning to catch a (censored) movie, coraline, when it's like cancelled cause of sectionals.
*C E N S O R E D*
I can't swear here, by the way. -.-
Let's see:
Tuesday: Movie OutingSectionals
Wednesday: Band x.x
Thursday: PE Project. =.= oh please man.
Friday: - (for now -.-)

Wow. My life is so interesting.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hellos. Got my new spectacles and earned a headache. x.x Currently hooked on origami designing plain cotton totes. Conclusion: DIY. Ughh. Frigging bored. X.X

You freak.
Two faced short ugly girl/boy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mar, you like?

HAHAH. Anyway, check out my message on my header under : All those Sweet Nothings .
Whoo want take pics with me?
I want to edit them.

Au Revoir .

Credits to: The Cherry Blossom Girl

LOL I look like a ghost with my crazy fringe. =.=
I feel like posting again :D yupps.
Yesterday, band, funneh.
Ate with nicole's aunt and grann-y at amk-hub?
Saw this shorts i really want to get ):
Then went C's house.
Was crossing the road, then there was a sudden terrible unexpected downpour.
Got drenched, screamed/ran all the way into the shelter.
Then went her house.
Creepy at first, but had loads of funn.
collecting spectacles later at ToaPayoh.
And lastly, for tag replies which is my first and perhaps, last time. (It's tiring x.x)

30 October.
rena: hallos..tagged..heehee! :D
Reply: Hello! Thanks for tagging (:

1st November.
venuus !: hellos :) taggedd prettaye ! :b
venuus !: :B
Reply: Hello lenglui, thanks for tagging! (: :D

2rd November.
Lee lin: hello atgged tag me back
Reply: Hellohello! , tagged back alr :D

3rd November.
rena: HALLO!!! tagged..heehee! XD
Reply: Hallo pretty, thanks for keeping my blog pumping alive! (:

4th November.
madeleine(:: hellos chiobu sis. hmm, i'm getting lazy to type too, hi 5 (: heh. tags! (:
Reply: Hello lenglui dancer, haha, i'm lazy to type too! Thanks for tagging! *Hi-5s back*

rena: hallos..tagged..congratulations in changing ur specs? hehe. okays, i noe i am soo retarded. XD
Reply: Thanks for still tagging! and haha, congratulations? Thanks yoo (; You're not retarded by the way (: HAHAS!

Mar: Surprise Surprise! A tag from me. Omg, i miss you ^^
Reply: Hello baby! IMY TRUCKLOADS too! (;

5th November.
wenNhao: elllllllooooooooooooooo ha!! =D
wenNhao: and u nvr link me!! @.@grrrrrr
Reply: Hello hello! Relinked alr (: Sorry, was too lazy for practically everything. x.x :D

jerwie: tag ^^
Reply: HELLOS YO! ^^ Thanks Jerwie (:

may continue to reply if tags keep flooding :D

So long people. Off to Mar's blog. She finally "installed" a tagboard (:

♥ Yellow Boots .

AlfredAmelia ChantelClass blog 1/1'09JacquelineJiayuMar's FashionBlogJerwieLishuan Lee Lin MadeleineMeiqiNadiah Rei YiRenaRenaldShamilah
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