All those Sweet Nothings .
Hey people! on a rusH just one important msg:THANKGOD Nadiah is in the same painting group as me.Or i would have died.Seriously.ok, crapped enough now:DGtg, busy now.
Friday, May 29, 2009
):know why?cause it is like totally impossible to like hang out with bffs with so much things to there will be band,projects,homework.and our time wont like work out together..sigh,it's just so unfair. back my results.Quite happy.But still must work hard hor! (:Kay, piano class in an hours time.GTG prepare.byes...later,people.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
GRRRR, imma sick of this thing!can't even make the words big without making it look like it came from another planet):LIKE THISAND THIS.WIERD!!!!
hey people!Cute right?haha,i know.Hope all of ya get addicted;)Yea!Didn't attend drills prac on saturday:)It's uber tiring right?never went to a temple.ate at the restaurant.oh BOO ME.I ordered sme vegeterian crabby-patty(hey,spongebob!)and fries.and OHMYGODNESSthe fries are like soggy and cold(lumpy,yaknow?),the burger is cold,the crabby-patty vegeterian meat taste like something-i-forgot-what-is.ewwand my parents and sister actually got food nicer than mine!!!!!yea,luck.;(anyway after that went to a room, where they offered free calligraphy.very nice;)the room is like in the ancient time.haha,i took the longest to write.:pthen wanted to go ChangiAirport cos i wanna buy jellybeans,but can't cos sis have homework haven't here i am.typing this.kay,buh-byes"D
Friday, May 22, 2009
I HATE DRILLS!Yesterday did more thann 50pumpings(i think) and forced in that position=.=PURE TORTURE?yessh,my whole body ACHES.wateves..never mind,anyway results given out..scored quite badly.I dropped ya know!!??Mostly cause i studied last yeap,i kinda deserved it.D"
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Back from band;))))))WOOTS!sadly today last day of holiday...oh, today come band chiong,cos bus ran away and had to wait 10minutes lik that,so once i got down the bus i chiong like hell,then went foyer to find Audrey,then she's not there,so ran upstairs to band room,then everyone still there talking..hmmpso much for running..hahaso wait until very late then band start..LOL lor..hahastomorrow cant wait to go to school;DHMP,cant even wait for the June Holidays;D[oh, imaback to band(: ]
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
hey,back!just showingthe things i did on tuesday.:went NTUC...then com-ped..then piano-ed(:then watched tv(which one of the show freaked the feathers out of moi.BR.)then read seventeen mag;D(ooh, seventeen mag rocks the socks out of moi!)then bathe..then read seventeen mag again,then watched spiderman(cos ima bored and do ya think peter parker looks cute?LOL!)then read mag again..then slacked around..then boring!!!!!so today went Sandhya's house(:explored the two playgrounds,then went to her house,talk,chat,tv-ed,(cos we were freaked out that we were the only people alone at home;D, as we talked about the tv show Harapa's Island and the ghost movies we watched before, so we watched Ellen DeGenres Show;D)((woo,the people just sit in this plasic thing and grab flying money!woots!))Then we wrote down the list of things to do during June Hols,like watching moviesand shopping at J8;Dlots more!!!then she came to my housethen we watched The Miley and Mandy show and The suite life on Deck on youtube.then she went home,then i watched tv somemore..then rearranged my file..BO-ring!oh and ishhtomorrow band.hahe..ok.nights people:)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
yay ;Dmid-year exams are over,can hang out with my bestfriends;)oh, i just can't wait to watch movies, shop, and eat;DLooking forward to fill my wishlist.(((((;later,people.
yay!MYE finally ENDED.;Dcan hang out with bffs now.back soon!
♥ Yellow Boots .