Tagged by Lishuan.
1: What's the colour of your shirt today ?
; Pink?
2: Are you wearing any contacts lenses recently ?
; Noo.
3: Do you know of anyone who likes you right now ?
; ??
4: Do you love the person who last gave you a message ?
; Yes!She's my BFF:)
5: Is anyone in your family pregnant ?
; Erm, no.
6: At what age do you want to get married ?
; Like I know?
7: Are you listening to any songs ?
; Yes, Fearless by Taylor Swift.
8: What will you be sleeping with ?
; My Bolster :)))
9: What's the colours of your room ?
; Light pink and purple
10: Who have you featured in your friendster ?
; Not into Friendster.
11: Have your featured friends gone to your house before ?
; Like I said, not into Friendster!-.-
12: Have you bathed ?
; yes, I am damn clean :D(ok fine, not really.)
13: Would you ever tell a person you love the person ?
; Maybe, it's a secret :X
14: What's your plan for your next birthday?
; Just sit in my room, eat cake, and tear open presents?(:
15: Who's birthday was just over ?
; Dunno. Jerwie's? Lishuan's?
16: When's your birthday ?
; 29th September
17: Are you wearing any nail polishes now ?
; No.
18 : Who's at home ?
; Dad?
19: Ever had sex on the first date ?
; Eww, no.
20.What's on the table nearest to you ?
; You mean on my sister's table?
21: Who are you looking at ?
; Like DUH, the computer screen
22: Do you sleep with your bears ?
; No, didn't even have bears.
23: Still keep your barbie dolls ?
; No, don't even know where they are.
24: Do you have any ex?
; no.
25: Do you like anyone now ?
26: What bottom are you wearing now ?
; Hawaii patterned shorts?
27: Who is the one closest to you ?
; My Green Furred rabbit:)
28: What time do you sleep everyday ?
; 10 plus
29: What is your CCA ?
; AMKSS Band
30: What do you do if you are in bad mood ?
; Pull of my sister's koala's tail, then sew it back on again:)
31: Do you have any friendster or MSN ?
; Yes.
32: What school are you from ?
; Primary : HGPS Secondary: AMKSS
33: What is your classs in school ?
; Primary: 1.5,2.5,3.11,4.2,5.2,6.2 Secondary: 1/1
34: Do you have any class T-shirt ?
; Yeah, going to get?
35: Do you like your class ?
; Yeah!♥ :)
36: Who is your form teacher ?
; Miss Clarise Wong
37: Do you like shopping with your friends ?
; Yes.
38: Do you like schooling ?
39: Do you want to transfer school ?
; Naw.
40: How many ex-boyfriends do you have ?
; None?
41: Who do you like right now ?
; Question 25.
42: If you like that person , would you tell him/her you love her ?
; Question 13 .
43: 10 People tagged to do this quiz .
1: Jiayu
2: Jasmine
3: AndrewTAN
4: Amelia
5: Donovan
6: Jacqueline
7: Shamilah
8: Lishuan
9: Sandhya
10: Renald
16: Who is number two having with a relationship with ?
Jasmine ; AndrewKOH. LOL! ( No offence:D )
17: Is 3 a female/male ?
Andrew ; male.
18: If 7 and 10 gets together , will it be a good thing ?
Shamilah and Renald ; GREAT choice! :D
19: What is number 1 studying about ?
Jiayu ; Photography taking skills? (:
20: Is number 4 single ?
Amelia ; maybe.
21: Say something about number 5 .
Donnovan ; Lishuan's ex-child :D
22: What do you think of number 3 & 6 together ?
AndrewTAN and Jacqueline ; LOL!
23: Describe number 9 .
Sandhya ; My BFF♥
24: What will you do if number 6 and 7 fight ?
Jacqueline and Shamilah ;Like they know each other?
25: Do you like number 8 ?
Lishuan ; BFF!♥