All those Sweet Nothings .
It's like learning how not to slap her.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Yeah. My mood had not been any better, either.
Thanks to some friends, they kept me from thinking bout it.
Seriously, i am not sure it is who you are. You just seemed different.
It's already over. And yes, I'm going to try to be a new person.

What's wrong with this blogger thing?
Feeling freaking crappy, cause down with the freaking flu. Whatthe. ouch, my eyes hurts.

Anyways, totally looking forward to the NDP school parade, cause not performing, and some more, looking forward to being with friends there. Thumbs up!
Another news.
Shamilah, Meiqi never come school.):
Cause they sick(?)
Sigh. What if they were the ones who passed their sickness to me?
cause if imma sick, I cannot go out on sunday!!! Shoot. Crap!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Feeling very moody today):
And yesterday too.
Cause band is starting soon);
I JUST hate going home at late night,
cause there's like so many homework yet to be done.
And also,
there are SO many work...
Then I can't do my own stuff))):<
But today,
Different story./
Can't believe I had to work ALONE for the science practical!
and I mean, EVERYONE ONE.
Had a sadd partner and I don't have!
Yeah, see that emotion? : );<
See the eyes?
YES, that's what I feel like.
Tearing up.
So, whattodo?
Worked alone.
Then talked to Reiyi(:
And Jiayu, if you are reading this,
*Evil laughs*
Then after school,
realised I lost handbook.
But have to go chinese remedial.
Then ended so late.
Still have to finish up the sihan,
a lil' bit left.
So did sihan, put everyone's work in laoshi's locker.
Then went to class to find handbook.
Suspected is with reiyi lorh.
But she having NPCC.
But in the end don't have..
So bus-ed to AMKHUB with Venus and Jiayu.
Jiayu wanted to buy everything she sees?
No wonder Ilina feels shopping with Jiayu is terror.
Then went Kopitiam to eat Japanese Wudon noodles with them/
So yummilicious !
Then Jiayu went minitoons to buy handphone sock and I went JEAN to buy clips(:
Then went off first cause the ladies were lagging(:
Then bus-ed home(((:

And special thanks to besties Shamilahh and Meiqi(POCKY!), for waiting for me during raining day(: Or I would've have been trapped at the stupid b-stop. Thanks BABES!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The World's Most Amazing Videos.
Felt like puking after watching that so-called "AMAZING" show.
Hello? What's so great about a motorbiker falling to his death and about two babies and a mother getting knocked down by a car?? It's sick, ima telling you. Gosh, not talking 'bout it anymore. O.O

Hoho, paring up with Reiyi for the VE Assignment. (:
And ADM, Serene and Justin got caught by misswong for using their phones!
Haha, today's so fun(:
And it was GREATT.
I wrote a kick-butt essay on literature,(LOL) then got complimented by MissTan!
4 points for me!
Sat with Reiyi, Weiling, Shamilah, and Meiqi during SSRP to do the English(:
But RY, WL, and me played tictactoe, my childhood game(:
Miss that game TONS.
Played with RY the other day before.
Then did the Elements, Mixtures, and Compounds for Science.
And Jiayu totally rock at that topic kay!
She helped me with it.
HAHA, she rock-my-socks!
Then went for chinese lesson.
Forgot to bring chinese textbook(aw, shucks)
Then had to write the whole essay!
Yeahyeah, i accidentally left it at home in my book bag.

The worstpost EVER.
Friday, July 10, 2009

Changed skin AGAIN.
Don't know what went wrong today.
Thankgodd for Leelin, who cheered me up with her laughable antics(:
Haha, like ''Milah'', and Sha''milah'' 's- oops:X(gee)
To Leelin: You're so funny!
Sat with Ilina, Jiayu, Brescia, and Andrea for chinese today. LOL! I just showed Ilina EmmaWatson's photo on the newspaper article, and the whole group minus Brescia started talking about it. (x Eep, feels guilty for Brescia. ):

Then after school, homed with JasmineKoh and Ilina. SIGH. Tomorrow's "piano" day, cause I have two piano lessons. ): Feel bad for me?

Hope that I can go for the movie outing with Sandhya&Jac next Sunday.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Everyone, give me a:
YAY! Now, it's time to get MissWong OBESSED like Meiqi(:
Ahhahahahaha, lets start with her gold-sand coloured heels. WHOOTS.
Anyway, here's the thank-you letter:
Thankyou misswong, for changing my place to a place I LOVE.
Haha, loved today. Okay fine, everyday since the new seating arrangement. It's so fun, seating behind Jiayu and beside Reiyi. Aren't I lucky? And OOH, there is shamilah, leelin, weiling, and every one of my girls. (: [ erms, doesn't that sound lesbo?] eeep. HAHA!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I love my ABFFAE!
They seriously rock my world!
You guys deserve a hand(:

The E-Learning Day.-HORRIBLE.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why cant the E-Learning thing load?
So frustrating.
I thought today was youth day?
All the fun and laughter yesterday was emptied out of me.
It's so horrible!
*screams in despair*

The Best Post EVER. Seriously.
Friday, July 3, 2009

Buenas tardes(!), back from lunch-ing. ADM! I love grilled meat and binja((: Anyway I amm like TOTALLY OVER THE MOON CAUSE THIS IS WEEKEND AGAIN!!!! Clap, people. So I amm back to blogging/twitter-ing/facebooking/maybe livejournal-ing and god-knows-whatelse. GEEE. Currently crazing over Spanish. So Ima currently taking Spanish classes online. Teehee!

The past few days was a really, REALLY HECTIC ONE, I SWEAR.
Especially with that Haolun bugging me to change seat.
Like I don't want??
But hello, what if those teachers found out?
Then I get scolded??!
Hello, I'm not risking.
So mister, stop asking unless I agreed so.
Went for chinese tuition.
On the way, the bus broke down, and then there was this honking sound for 3 WHOLE minutes, before the bus got moving again. And ohmy, for once it felt good for the bus to get moving. :) Then went there, saw Andrea.(Not in 1/2 that one, st. nic's) I didn't like expect her to be there. So I was like: Shocked at first, then YAY!
Then after that ate outside with mum and then home-d. Reached home at about 8.30 plus!!!
Then homework-ed till eleven plus at night, then slept.

On the packed bus, tried not to sleep cause alot of people are watching me. So struggled till I reached school. And then once I reached school, I had to finish my English homework cause I cant finish the night before.=.= Then during class time, felt like sleeping, and Justin is SERIOUSLY BORING, he keep talking(?)/flirting with Madeliene, (no offence! (x ) then no one else talked to me, felt like sleeping throughout the whole lesson.. Then home-d.

Seriously, I think I forgot to right down the dates for one paper for geography and I think one of the English books I had read. Fingers crossed that I had written already, :) . Ohyeah, and on tuesday after chinese project, went AMK Hub ALONE. And I hate being alone, but no choice cause Ilina and Shamilah soccer, Jiayu and Andrea dance. )): Ate at MosBurgers' ALONE, then went up ALONE and bought something(: Then topped up my card ALONE, then home-d.

Iwanna buy ezlink sticker and handphone strap!!! AHH!!!
Note to self, look out for these items next time out shopping.

♥ Yellow Boots .

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