Hello guys !
Someone important in my life told me that ''Failure is the key to success . '' You know who you are (:
Anyway , bout yesterday , so fun yeah ! Saw lots of peeps from primarysix'08 (: ate with Zhiyi and Jac , then Lishuan the Extra joined us . (justkidding !) LS actually pangseh-ed us to buy what gifts wth her friend . But in the end didn't (: then we walked to school together . Walked around like some lost animal . Then that Yeheng like nothing to do keep snapping photos of us ? Lmao ! Then walked somemore . Saw MISSONG ! (: talked to her . As usual , Andrew crapped . He was arguing with me whether who was supposed to invite MissOng to watched JBF . Talked to Sandhya . Then continued to argue . In the end , I asked MissOng . -.- turned out she had a dinner appointment on that day . So much for arguing . Anywayys , saw Russell ! As usual , he 's being a ***** . Hahahaha ! He even sang a song to Jac when she was on the fourth floor and when he was on first floor , so it's like a scene from rapunzel . LMAO ! When Jac told me that , I exploded with laughter .HEHEHE ! Then went home with Jac . Flicked on the TV . Watched the EllenDeGenres show (nice !) and a Bug's Life , Since that was the only movie playing then on Disney Channel . Then went downstairs with her to meet Donovan , Zhiyi , Simin , and Andrew . But my BASKETball got no air ! So when I told them that , Andrew started singing 'No Air' by Rihanna . Lmao ! Laughlaughlaugh (: IMY GUYS ! :) (except for Andrew cause he's still a pain in the *** and still in my life -.- ) never laughed that hard in secondary years , other than that time Shamilah accidentally pushed LL , spoiling her image .(I still remebered that one ! ) HAHA ! And got once Lishuan fell on her butt cause she was spinning round and round then accidentally flew out and cried ! Funnymoments ! (: back to story . Then played catching . Childhood game ! Awwww . Then homed . It was until now that I realized that I miss my class .
Going out later ! ( mmmaaybbeee . )
And I've decided to start beading (: I don't care how lame it sounds ! Cause it sounds funn !
and madeleine , you have yet to reply me .
xoxoxoxoxo .
Someone important in my life told me that ''Failure is the key to success . '' You know who you are (:
Anyway , bout yesterday , so fun yeah ! Saw lots of peeps from primarysix'08 (: ate with Zhiyi and Jac , then Lishuan the Extra joined us . (justkidding !) LS actually pangseh-ed us to buy what gifts wth her friend . But in the end didn't (: then we walked to school together . Walked around like some lost animal . Then that Yeheng like nothing to do keep snapping photos of us ? Lmao ! Then walked somemore . Saw MISSONG ! (: talked to her . As usual , Andrew crapped . He was arguing with me whether who was supposed to invite MissOng to watched JBF . Talked to Sandhya . Then continued to argue . In the end , I asked MissOng . -.- turned out she had a dinner appointment on that day . So much for arguing . Anywayys , saw Russell ! As usual , he 's being a ***** . Hahahaha ! He even sang a song to Jac when she was on the fourth floor and when he was on first floor , so it's like a scene from rapunzel . LMAO ! When Jac told me that , I exploded with laughter .HEHEHE ! Then went home with Jac . Flicked on the TV . Watched the EllenDeGenres show (nice !) and a Bug's Life , Since that was the only movie playing then on Disney Channel . Then went downstairs with her to meet Donovan , Zhiyi , Simin , and Andrew . But my BASKETball got no air ! So when I told them that , Andrew started singing 'No Air' by Rihanna . Lmao ! Laughlaughlaugh (: IMY GUYS ! :) (except for Andrew cause he's still a pain in the *** and still in my life -.- ) never laughed that hard in secondary years , other than that time Shamilah accidentally pushed LL , spoiling her image .(I still remebered that one ! ) HAHA ! And got once Lishuan fell on her butt cause she was spinning round and round then accidentally flew out and cried ! Funnymoments ! (: back to story . Then played catching . Childhood game ! Awwww . Then homed .
Going out later ! ( mmmaaybbeee . )
And I've decided to start beading (: I don't care how lame it sounds ! Cause it sounds funn !
and madeleine , you have yet to reply me .
xoxoxoxoxo .