All those Sweet Nothings .
It's like learning how not to slap her.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello guys !
Someone important in my life told me that ''Failure is the key to success . '' You know who you are (:
Anyway , bout yesterday , so fun yeah ! Saw lots of peeps from primarysix'08 (: ate with Zhiyi and Jac , then Lishuan the Extra joined us . (justkidding !) LS actually pangseh-ed us to buy what gifts wth her friend . But in the end didn't (: then we walked to school together . Walked around like some lost animal . Then that Yeheng like nothing to do keep snapping photos of us ? Lmao ! Then walked somemore . Saw MISSONG ! (: talked to her . As usual , Andrew crapped . He was arguing with me whether who was supposed to invite MissOng to watched JBF . Talked to Sandhya . Then continued to argue . In the end , I asked MissOng . -.- turned out she had a dinner appointment on that day . So much for arguing . Anywayys , saw Russell ! As usual , he 's being a ***** . Hahahaha ! He even sang a song to Jac when she was on the fourth floor and when he was on first floor , so it's like a scene from rapunzel . LMAO ! When Jac told me that , I exploded with laughter .HEHEHE ! Then went home with Jac . Flicked on the TV . Watched the EllenDeGenres show (nice !) and a Bug's Life , Since that was the only movie playing then on Disney Channel . Then went downstairs with her to meet Donovan , Zhiyi , Simin , and Andrew . But my BASKETball got no air ! So when I told them that , Andrew started singing 'No Air' by Rihanna . Lmao ! Laughlaughlaugh (: IMY GUYS ! :) (except for Andrew cause he's still a pain in the *** and still in my life -.- ) never laughed that hard in secondary years , other than that time Shamilah accidentally pushed LL , spoiling her image .(I still remebered that one ! ) HAHA ! And got once Lishuan fell on her butt cause she was spinning round and round then accidentally flew out and cried ! Funnymoments ! (: back to story . Then played catching . Childhood game ! Awwww . Then homed . It was until now that I realized that I miss my class .
Going out later ! ( mmmaaybbeee . )
And I've decided to start beading (: I don't care how lame it sounds ! Cause it sounds funn !
and madeleine , you have yet to reply me .
xoxoxoxoxo .


Gosh . I'm like so not to be here ? (: who cares , let's talk bout today shall we ? First if all , how was the celebration ? Seemed like it was fun , based on the fact that MQ and RY could barely hear me because of the hellyeah loud background and they were laughing terribly loud through the stupid phone neh . Second of all , I was thinking if I should change my display name into something loud and eye catching ? Okay , let's not think of such sick ideas like '' Kickballs'' or some other horny eye catching phrases like that .
Lmao .
And .
I saw this cute and neat row of apartments in TanjongKatong ! Ohmy , it looked like it cameout from the magazine ' Town and Country ' . ooh , so sweet ! (:
School .
For the first time , I miss school . Those words felt odd typing them out . o.o
Anyway , I saw this set of bangles a Eurasian young adult was wearing . Just like the ones Shamilah said she wanted ! So bohomenian ! (ditto on how to spell . ) perhaps will hunt them down tomorrow cause I' MAY be going out (:
Heard that Madeleine plus rena , etcetcetc.( and friends ) went to hide , trying to scare miss wong that alot of peeps never come but failed to . Lmao ! My classmates are so cute . (:

And lotsoflove to JY for helping me keep my tee ! (:

xoxoxo ,

Someone actually complimented our classtee ! (: sexy , eh .

Friday, August 28, 2009

okay, here's the news.
All happened so fast, with just two clicks.
I had to eat a sweet cause the pain is too much -.-
The first click, my mouth went slack, as I can't speak.
Then my earlobe turned red (that's what my sister said.)
Loss of words, yeah.
Then the aunty gave me a fruitplus chewy.
Then at the second piercing, I held my mum's arm.
yeah I know,
but it's great to have someone there:D
There goes two holes in my earlobes!
Another cross off my wishlist.
Then before I pierced my ears, I went CompassPoint to take LRT to Rivervale mall.
Cause I asked mum(:
Then was lost.
Cause is should take at platform 2, not 1.
Then went to take platform 1.
Called Jiayu to ask for help, but she didn't pick up!
Then ask the greencolour uniform person ( sorry, forgot their names :x)
Then realised.
So took one round then go back CompassPoint again. Then went platform two.
Rivervale mall is like so big!
The Daiso inside there was a shock,
cause it's so bigg!
Then grabbed the things I want.
Got a new pencil case and a pack of different coloured velvet pencils
which was a totally MUSTHAVE. (:
melovelove! ❤
Another two cross off my wishlist(:
I just love the things Jiayu introduce.
Well, some.
Hope I can daiso with her one day!
Other great things happened.
For all the test, I improved with leaps and bounce.
Geography : 11/20!
(At first is 9/20, but teacher count wrongly. Somemore I didn't really study thoroughly unlike Renald.)
History :20/25! (First time get so high for History! Whoots!)
English Comprehension : 24/35! highest!
(Not trying to boast through my blog okay. But I'm just so happy(: )
English Composition : 23/30! (:
Science : 14/25!
(Last test I got a single digit number. Not saying. This time improved! )

I'm so happyhappyHAPPY!

I repeat once more; I am not boasting okay.

Oh , and I'm just so glad I went to the toilet after band ended.
oh yes, maybe reiyi and me going heartland mall tomorrow to look for teacher's day present?
And I'm back with Ilina again!
Hope there will be no more misunderstandings, or petty-ness! (JKJK(: )
And yes, JBF coming.
Can't wait.
But I have to work on my sesame street song.
It sucks okay.


Friday, August 21, 2009

I just realised my latest post is so emo.
JuniorBandFest is just around the corner,
so is the lunchtime performance.
And there are tons of homework piling up.
Band ends just so late.
god, I must start revision TODAY.
Weixiang really blew his top yesterday.
I guess I fled earlier than J, NN, and D?
Home-d with O, NT, and A.
But it is already considered early, since I was supposed to reach home about an hour plus ago?
Owen and Clara went home at 5.

-So much things to do, so little time.

I changed my mind.
Band dinner photos will not be up,
Since I looked retarded.
That's all about band dinner.
Anyway, Nicholas accidentally threw a watermelon at Weiling's dress, and a "food fight" begun.
End of topic.

Today, 21 August 2009.
Well, everyday's like getting worst?
There's band while everyone goes home early and I ALWAYS get home the latest and bleh.
Sucked okay.
Today's different case.
Everyone seemed to all stay back while I am the only one going home early.
And today Nadiah almost got knocked down by a car.
She was sms-ing while crossing the road.
A car appeared out of freaking nowhere.
So I screamed: NADIAH!
Then she looked up, and elegantly took a step back.
She's lucky , man.
And something's wrong this week.
The Truth.
I really hope that Shamilah, Ilina, Jiayu, and me will patch up, seriously.
I don't like all this "wrongness" going on.
What happened?
Is it because of feeling left out, betrayed, or jealousy?

I hate it okay.
Cause everything just ends with hurt feelings and betrays.
Here goes nothing:
Ilina kept going with Shamilah.
Then didn't go with me.
I used to do that, and she said I was abandoning her.
Now she did that to me and I didn't say that, cause I didn't want to destroy our relationships.
So I just acted normal, or either said that word and patch up fast.
And Jiayu and Shamilah,
I don't know.
Maybe I shouldn't say about them.
I don't want to say can?
I don't want to hurt their feelings.
If I did already, I'm sorry.
Maybe it started with me?
I don't know.
We can sit down and talk things out?
EOYS are coming.
I don't want to get distracted.

Bonne chance for eoys, my darlings.
p e a c e o u t .

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Photos other time on facebook(:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Less than 6 hours to band dinner!
Meeting Clara at AMKHub, then go and meet her seniors at AMK MRT. (:
Pictures will be taken.
Till next time then.

The blogger thing alright(:
And that I'm free from band :D
Okayokay, tomorrow's band dinner!
Gotten my band dinner clothings!
heh .
okay, yeah, what happened the past few days forgot; sorry, :X
And can't be bothered to say, so yeah.

today's the worst day ever.
I, like, got scolded for like almost every period.
Something like this?

Before lessons:"What? Still play this primary 6 game? How old are you now?"
(whole class laughs)
(I think should be Javier & theglove-.-)
Chinese Not telling, not in the mood.
Geo: NOTHING! :)
English: Mdm J gave me that LOOK when I said I don't have the other paper. :(
Math: Almost, for going toilet, BUT IS WITH PERMISSION BY MISS LIM! >:( unfair luh.
Thats all.
Isn't that great?
And oh, a someone keeps getting on my nerves.
Especially to top off my mood today.
You probably didn't know what happen today?
You didn't know what went wrong.
Only few people know.

Forget it.

Okay, i shall stop here.
I hate you. (:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I can't wait for band dinner.
And ehmagawd, I can't believe that it's like located so far, like at cityhall there??
And it's at Peninsula Excelsior Hotel, Tulip room?
I have no idea about the Tulip room or whatsoever, but nevermind(: I'll be thereee.
Weixiang suggested that we flag a cab, but I'm not sure bout Nicole(not nicholas luh)
So will ask her on Monday:D
Promise to upload photos.

I can't believe my
stewpid luck): it's like bad luck or something, since EVERY time something good happens, I always cant make it the last minute, or either the day before.
yes, if you're guessing that I have fever, you're right.
I feel like swearing. Like last year, the day before the movie, I fell sick like now, except the event is national day. -.-
the better part of news is that i can do my home work at home:D(yeah, right)i don't have fever, but slight cough. i BETTER attend tomorrow, or I am going to make someone eat their own hairC:

Shamilah: cheerup, okay? (: cause everyday's a happy day! (for you, not me.) seeyatomorrow:D
Leelin/Meiqi: thanks for your concern, lovelove(:

♥ Yellow Boots .

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