Okay , I said I would go out right ? Yeap , I did . (: went Chinatown the people's park center . Then cause there got OG what , then went into shop a while . Then bought 3 pairs of home slippers ! Two green and one pink . 'Cause I took green ! Then so ex ya know . All together $38 plus . SO EXPENSIVE RIGHT ! But of course OG things always that expensive one . I am totally prepared for the burned hole in my pocket . Then go downstairs , saw Adidas bag ! :o I want ! My mum also want , but they never discount , only give what voucher ?? ): then after that never buy . ): the design is SO vintage . (: go walkwalkwalk , then finally went people's park center . So big ?! Then saw this HUMONGOUS bead shop . I was like : O: . Then took the orange basket then walked around to fill it .
45- 60 minutes later .
I came out of the shop loaded with supplies :D
And yes , the charms very cool , youknow .
got teeshirt ones , cameras (!) , sandals , and music signs. Still alot lah , next time then go buy somemore (:
and I'm (MAYBE) gonna make for people who deserve it (:
wellwell , that's Tuesday's stuff , lemme talk bout today .
030909 .
Schooled as usual .
4 periods , cool huh ?
Something happened .
Chinese period .
WHATEVER , ****** shall not be written on my blog :D
blahblah .
then had to leave early because of band -.-
then blew my lungs out for another 1hour ??
almost broke my arms carrying those stupid stands .
Justkidding .
then set up , blah .
then Lunchtime performance .
andrew kept saying that my hand trembling ?!
haha . As if lah .
he SO humiliated me .
whatever .
saw Ilina and Jiayu watching me ?
they were like waving excitedly at me .
thankgoodness for those stands .
they helped me block those front row seat people , (if you know what I mean . )
then went back band room . Lunched with clara , owen , tingrei , and nicole .
ate at school , then accompanied Nicole opposite buy fries .
When I came back , Andrew once again humiliate me .
urrghh .
to make matters worse , we still had band .
Blahblah . Then went home .
walked to bus stop with clara .
saw reiyi at the Bus stop with ruiwen as well .
then slowly everyone's buses came !
they left me there .
then FINALLY 88 came .
took with andrew and owen .