All those Sweet Nothings .
It's like learning how not to slap her.

29th September (:
Saturday, September 26, 2009

hello (:
surprise surprise , I managed to post . Promise this last post .
going to sing myself ''HappyBirthday !'' on Tuesday .
Hinthint :D
hmm , going out later for Chinese tuition ._.
Then gonna get present for senior !
Her birthday on the 27th (:
which is like TODAY !
May you (:
one. blow more air into your clarinet
two. Remain pretty (:
find your Mr. Right soon !
(kay I hope she doesn't see that :p )
Signing out .
Jiayous for EOY !

Friday, September 25, 2009

Gah .
This is gonna be the last post before the finals .
Bye. Remember to miss me .

And oh , can you BELIEVE what I got for my Grade 5 exams ?
I can't believe too , trust me .
I thought I failed , you know .
The point is ,
I'm gonna get rewarded (:


Mua ,
LanaLove (:

Oh , people say my tagboard is hard to enter comments ?
Oh well , I will check on it when finals are officially over for SecOnes (:

Sorry MQ ! D:
Sunday, September 20, 2009

currently reading newmoon . Hmph .
oh yes , going out to meet RY , MQ , JY , J tomorrow .
going RY's house , meeting JY and J for lunch :D
Oh to MQ , sorry , I lost my temper .

I'm a Cullen :D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know , this is lame and retarded , but I just read Twilight , and just finished it . Laugh , laugh all you want .
I started reading Twilight recently when I actually bought the whole series last year !
._. I only have one thing to say . Edward is so HOT !
No wonder Dinie and Reiyi fell in love with him .
(I'm stating the obvious !)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Something that I found nice .

Surprisingly , I managed to come online .

Took bus to piano lesson .
Obviously , listened to the radio .
Then there was this contest .
I wanted to sms again like yesterday .
But on the second thought , didn't .
Now at home .
Still have SECOND piano lesson later .
Some people are lucky to only have one .
I have TWO in a day !
Boo me .

I can't wait for EOYS To be oh-ver .
And seriously CAN'T WAIT .
Lishuan went chalet ?
Unfair luhs .

To all my bestfriends :

( you know who you are :D )

Till tomorrow , people .
Nights .

- Someone study with me .
- Who wants to join my study group ? (:


Crap . I think that this would be my last post .
Really have to MUG for EOYS .
Can't wait for EOYS to end , and I want to get better results !
Like , 5 A s' and no failed subjects ?
Dad said he will get me a Lomo ,
if I get top 3 in class .
I doubt that I would reach top 3 in class , especially when there are so many people who are ahead of me .

So , I better aim .
Thanks to the time table planned out , I think I might be able to revise the topics tested .

I can't wait to go out/shopping again !
My mum just went out to Tampines Mall Lot 1 .
Oh wait . She's back .

Sigh .

But YAY !
Reiyi may be coming over my house to study on Wednesday .
LOL (!)
Cause she said she will get distracted if she study alone , eg. all the drama shows , televisions , computer , and pet society will like , 引诱 her .
So , she's coming over , unless her mother don't allow .
Looking forward to Wednesday .

Shopping a day keeps the sickness away .

Spent the whole morning listening to 91.3 , 98.7 , and 92.4 radio fm while doing math .
Then I heard on the 98.7 radio fm that there was this contest where you can win a pair of tickets to the HossanLeong Show , and also a CD with all your favourite singers in it example NellyFurtado , Britney Spears , and alot ; can't remember , if only you get the right answer for multiplying the numbers they gave you . Then the numbers are 20, 39, and 15 .
I multiplied them together,
The answer was 11700 , so I smsed the radio station at the cost of 30CENTS
But then I thought that it was worthed it .
Who knew that in the end I didn't win !
Wasted my money ):
But it's okay !
I can always try again ( 'though I doubt so. )
But the songs that I heard on 98.7 are quite nice (:
Like example;
Best I Ever Had , Radar (now I understand what Jiayu was saying yesterday on MSN) , Obsessed ,
I look so good (without you) , Take Me on the Dance Floor , Break It Off , The Day I Died .
Jesse James's songs are not bad , yeah .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hello .
Guess I should talk about Wednesday .
Went over Reiyi's house .
Waited for Jiayu for more than 15minutes .
Of course , she is late as usual .
JUSTJOKING ! (It's okay ! )
then walked over .
Started late .
Like more than 30 minutes late .
Then less than 2 hours later , Jiayu and Shantel had to leave cause of dance ?
So left the rest of us .
Acted out the scenes for a while .
Laughed all the way .
Then did Geography touch ups .
Afternoon , walked all the way out to heartland mall there to have lunch at Macs .
Then made a stop with Jerwie at Heartland mall upstairs ; got a shop called "Just for You '' I think so (?) cause one of my spectacle frame dropped out , then had to walk around without my specs so I can't see , which earned me a slight headache considering the fact that my right eye is twice the degree of my left one .
Bought a hair clip that Reiyi owe me and a packet of different colour ear sticks .
Then went to the spectacle shop with Reiyi to collect her new specs and also repair my specs .
Then went back .
Did the Geography song and played Hide-and-Seek .
We thought of that idea cause before we went for lunch , we hid in the storeroom from Meiqi when she was in the toilet and that gave her a scare cause she say she don't like to be left alone in someone else's house .
Super funny can . Was like keep laughing .
Then took 112 home with Jerwie .
I have to start studying already .
Mum's not letting me out the house anymore .
Damn it ._.

Watched Monk and The Amazing Race . Pretty nice , (:
Sigh , who want to go CompassPoint library tomorrow afternoon study with me ?
Jiayu cannot , cause either she is going Shamilah's house or Shamilah is going to her house for the History Project .
Leaving me alone .
Gosh , school's reopening .
I should be happy ?
But examinations are arriving .
At the thought of examinations , it made me feel guilty.
I guess I should go and study now .


Hello earthlings :D
Just in case you didn't notice, I changed my blogskin.
And also my URL.

Currently trying to edit the script for drama ,
posting this ,
credit Shamilah for helping me with this blogger thing ,
and trying to concentrate on the facebook ''fish-a-fish'' game which had me (currently) hooked up on it.
Gee , I'm so busy .
And YAY(!) Jiayu is happy with her role ! (:
(So is everyone . )
I think I'll end here now .
I have alot to do .
And THANKS-ALOT to Shamilah ! (again .)

-♥ Lana (wanlin)

Just in case you didn't notice , I have an internet screen name .
And oh yes , Paris and Milan show is coming .
I better catch it .

xoxoxo , love .

Labels: , , ,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chenning made me feel like I'm being stalked .
JBF'S okay , I guess .
I can't wait for more concerts (:
Being in the limelight made me feel , I don't know...important ?
Okay , and a public apology to Rena !
For telling you the last minute that it's a full house .
Sorry , real sorry . ):
Okay , I was like really touched by my seniors presents and letters !
So sweet .
And yeah , went Reiyi's house for the drama thing ?
Can't wait for tomorrow's though .
If only the topic wouldn't be brought up .
Okay .
will stop talking now .

I'm like pissed out now ? Whatthehell ? I want to say no more . And why you join in ? Make matters worse ar ? Thankyou very much , you can get out of our problems now .

Friday, September 4, 2009

gosh . I lost my wallet with my JBF tickets in it ! :o hmph , wonder where it's now . Oh yeah , going macs tomorrow with JY . Guess what . We're gonna talk (: okay that's random . And yes I realized today's my sister birthday . So made her a necklace with a camera hanging in the middle as a charm . (: Yeap . (: anyone want ? I make for you . I gonna post the photo of it on my blog . :D guess who's in Daiso now ? :D and talking bout today , that __________ made a fool of himself , and earned us a Paper 9 comprehension + summary . Thanks , yeah , sure , just the formula to ruined my holidays . What's wrong with just singing a stupid song with emotion ? Haiyoo . Want face ar ? -.-'' oh and talked to shamilah on msn just now . Hmm , hope she's feeling better ! (:


AH !
Juniorbandfest is TOMORROW !



I'm uber nervous .
Lunchtime performance so didn't help . >:(
Tomorrow's schedule goes like this :
9:45am -must be in school .
10:00am -practice start .
12:00-12:45pm -Lunch .
1:00pm -Bus Leaves for Victoria Concert Hall .
9:45 pm -Pack up/Go back school .
10:45 pm -Dismiss from school .
argh !
The timing's SO packed .
Gosh .
Plus all the oneone'sians must go back to school tomorrow to collect Progress Report ?
At 7:30am somemore .
so going mac'donalds with Jiayu after collecting Report Book .
then go there eat/slackslack/walk around to waste time ?
Cause later if I go back too early nothing do .
So going to try waste time (:
Aiya .
Today .
I was like stoning in the morning .
then meiqi finally call me go down with her .
And her hand injured .
Takecare ! (:
Then blahblah, class-ed as usual .
Recess .
Jiayu gave me Grape candy and her cookie (:
the one she said got the melting chocolate !
Isn't she nice ?
i hate fridays !
Cause the periods very boring .
But I love it too cause it's the last day of school for the week !
Then after school met clara go collect the tickets for our concert .
waited for meiqi and Jiayu , before going home with Reiyi and Clara .
88-ed home .
Okay , byebye !
Signing off ,
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo .

And Madeleine revealed her evil side today .
She pushed my chair without warning , and I ALMOST fell !
or else I would've ended up with a broken butt bone . >:(

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Okay , I said I would go out right ? Yeap , I did . (: went Chinatown the people's park center . Then cause there got OG what , then went into shop a while . Then bought 3 pairs of home slippers ! Two green and one pink . 'Cause I took green ! Then so ex ya know . All together $38 plus . SO EXPENSIVE RIGHT ! But of course OG things always that expensive one . I am totally prepared for the burned hole in my pocket . Then go downstairs , saw Adidas bag ! :o I want ! My mum also want , but they never discount , only give what voucher ?? ): then after that never buy . ): the design is SO vintage . (: go walkwalkwalk , then finally went people's park center . So big ?! Then saw this HUMONGOUS bead shop . I was like : O: . Then took the orange basket then walked around to fill it .

45- 60 minutes later .

I came out of the shop loaded with supplies :D
And yes , the charms very cool , youknow .
got teeshirt ones , cameras (!) , sandals , and music signs. Still alot lah , next time then go buy somemore (:
and I'm (MAYBE) gonna make for people who deserve it (:
wellwell , that's Tuesday's stuff , lemme talk bout today .
030909 .
Schooled as usual .
4 periods , cool huh ?
Something happened .
Chinese period .
WHATEVER , ****** shall not be written on my blog :D
blahblah .
then had to leave early because of band -.-
then blew my lungs out for another 1hour ??
almost broke my arms carrying those stupid stands .
Justkidding .
then set up , blah .
then Lunchtime performance .
andrew kept saying that my hand trembling ?!
haha . As if lah .
he SO humiliated me .
whatever .
saw Ilina and Jiayu watching me ?
they were like waving excitedly at me .
thankgoodness for those stands .
they helped me block those front row seat people , (if you know what I mean . )
then went back band room . Lunched with clara , owen , tingrei , and nicole .
ate at school , then accompanied Nicole opposite buy fries .
When I came back , Andrew once again humiliate me .
urrghh .
to make matters worse , we still had band .
Blahblah . Then went home .
walked to bus stop with clara .
saw reiyi at the Bus stop with ruiwen as well .
then slowly everyone's buses came !
they left me there .
then FINALLY 88 came .
took with andrew and owen .

♥ Yellow Boots .

AlfredAmelia ChantelClass blog 1/1'09JacquelineJiayuMar's FashionBlogJerwieLishuan Lee Lin MadeleineMeiqiNadiah Rei YiRenaRenaldShamilah
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layout by Jacquelyn
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